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About Artist:

Sanjay Kalbhor has more than 25 years of experience in modern and contemporary art. He has exhibited and sold his work at some of the top art galleries in India and to some private collectors all around the world.
Sanjay comes from a very humble rural background and has seen the world around him changing with modernisation. He has adapted this in his work along with his deep-rooted connection with nature.
Sanjay Dnyaneshwar Kalbhor Born at Pune, Maharashtra (1974)
Academic Qualification :
ATD (1993)
G.d. Art ~ Painting (1996)
Diploma Art Education (1998)
University :
Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya - Pune University.
Awards & Recognition :
College Competitions Ahinav Kala Mahavidyalaya - Pune. Best Class Work — 1st Prize - 1992
Best 3rd Design - 2nd Runners up - 1992
Poster Competation — 2nd Runners up ~ 1992
Exhibitions & Events Attended :
Balgandhrarv Kala dalan, Pune, (Group)1993
Participfion in Mood Indigo Compefition at IIT Powai Mumbai - 1994
Balgandhrar Kala dalan, Pune, (Group)1994
Nashik Kala Niketan, Nashik, (Group) 1995
Holiday Inn Art Gallery, Pune (Solo) 2000
Holiday Inn Art Gallery, Pune (Group) 2001
Vaishwik Art Gallery (Group) 2005
Vaishwik Art Gallery (Group) 2006
Balgandhrarv Kala dalan, Pune, (Group)2007
Jahangir Art Gallery Mumbai (Group) 2010
Studio Napean Art Gallery Mumbai (Group) 2 Ray Art Gallery, Pune Festival (Group) 2010
Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai (Solo) 2014

Apainting is a visual poetry. A poem is priceless. Breaking Through The Apparent on Canvas What happens to us is irrelevant to Nature. but what happens to Nature is not irrelevant to us. We have to reconcile with Nature.
It is an unavoidable, sometimes painful compromise. Working with this style - deciphering the mysteries of vibrant geological /botanical patterns Painter SANJAY KALBHOR has found connectedness with Nature. This show is all about his direct relationship with the natural world surrounding him, the way he perceives the apparent surfaces,obvious textures and motley complexions and the sense of comfort it gives him to be up close and very personal with it. His native surroundings are seeing a great change. He has been seeing his small village (which now is a part of a huge Metropolis) getting transformed into a vibrant industrial town. How a sleepy,scenic traditional, conservative, agricultural community, just a generation ago, is now trying to find it's place in this fast paced modern world and making efforts to cope with the modern value system. This change intrigues and affects Sanjay deeply. On the other hand Nature, sky, stars,Moon,Monsoon and varied kaleidoscope of emotiol in all their magnificence have remained the same. These are his reference points. Along with the new age vocabulary and sounds, memories of childhood spent in fields, river, roadside playgrounds, abandoned stone quarries and memories of school days have created a large part in his artistic impulses. He often asks many questions to himself which create tensition and hardly anyone enjoy with living tens!

Sanjay finds his stress melting as soon as he starts painting and thinking about the mysterious interplay of the mechanisms of all the varied botanical and geological surfaces, seen and imaginary. He then aims to transfer his visual musings and reflections on canvas intently and honoestly How will all this play out on a canvas always remains an enigma for him. But as an artist, he feels incredibly fortunate to have the tools to communicate his small part in this day to day drama by painting. This activity of creating a visual of colorful music comprising of layers of complexions, textures, surfaces & scaling through the depths gives him joy, makes him happy, keeps him going.

Multiple lllussions Many Meanings What happens to us is irrelevant to Nature. but what happens to Nature is not irrelevant to us. We have to reconcile with Nature. It is an unavoidable, sometimes painful compromise.
In deciphering the mysteries of vibrant geological and botanical patterns artist Sanjay Kalbhor has found his relationship with Nature. This shows all about his rapport with the world surrounding him, the way he perceives the surfaces, textures and motley complexions and the sense of comfort it gives him to be up close and very personal with it.
As an artist, Sanjay feels incredibly fortunate to have the skills to communicate his small part in this day to day drama by painting with abandon. This activity of creating colourful visual musings comprising of layers of complexions textures,surfaces and diversity of the scale gives him joy; makes him happy, keeps him going.